Yours is a skincare company that tailors a regiment to you based on factors like your lifestyle and environment. This starts by taking a free online skin assessment that discovers more about you before recommending a product, rather than a one-size-fits all approach.
This video was made to explain their approach, and drive people to take the skin assessment. It was a one-man band project, where I handled everything from the storyboard, sourcing a VO artist, design, animation and audio design.
I used the existing brand palette and fonts, but had fun translating these into a 3d environment by utilizing them as reflection colors in the mirrors, and stones in the terrazzo. Mirrors and glass were a main theme for the video - a handy way to show how we are constantly bombarded by influencers and marketing when we really should just get to know our own skin better.
Role: Director, Designer, Animator
VO Artist: Taylor Morgan Marsh